Black Girls Can Talk

How to Elevate Your Voice in White Spaces

Black Girls Can Talk sets the stage for an exploration of identity and empowerment for Black girls and women. It calls out the fact that the experiences of Black girls are unique and emphasizes their power to define themselves. It highlights that personal identity is not solely determined by societal expectations but is a result of individual self-recognition.

Black Girls Can Talk is successful in its aim to help Black girls and women navigate success and find their voice in spaces that were not initially designed for them. Black Girls Can Talk will reveal ways to identify your self-worth, build your confidence and self-esteem, and amplify your voice in White spaces. It also provides tips for allies who wish to support Black women, and make these environments more inclusive and equitable.

About the Author

Dr. McCree has been working in the healthcare field for over a decade. She is a health disparities researcher who places focus on the healthcare experiences and inequities facing Black women. Her research focuses on exploring the healthcare inequities these women face, and how these disparities contribute to delays in care and poor health outcomes, with a goal to improve their health trajectories.

Drawing on her own experiences navigating predominantly White spaces, Dr. McCree sheds light on the challenges faced by Black women and girls in society. She reveals how historical and systemic factors have contributed to the internalized fear and self-silencing among these women. Dr. McCree also highlights the ongoing trauma, racism, and violence faced by Black women, in order to raise awareness and advocate for change. Driven by a commitment to amplify Black women’s voices in a society that often seeks to silence them, she finds immense joy in supporting other Black women and girls in using their voices and speaking up.

Black Girls Can Talk

How to Elevate Your Voice in White Spaces

Chapter 1: Identity

How you identify matters and it is important to understand both the privileges and disadvantages your identity brings in order to learn how to use them to your advantage.

Chapter 2: Cultural Expectations

The cultural expectations of being a Black woman are both societal and interracial. Challenge the stereotypes imposed on you to change the narrative.

Chapter 3: Subtle acts of Exclusion

Racial microaggressions are unfortunately inevitable and it is important to learn how to approach the micro aggressor and use your voice to inform them of how what they did or said was impactful.

Chapter 4: Code-switching

Code-switching is not a bad thing. It is a practical skill should be used to navigate different environments while staying true to your values, beliefs, and identity.

Chapter 5: Appropriately “Inappropriate” Behavior

It is important for Black girls to find their voices when their actions and decisions are being cast out as inappropriate. Respectful dialogue allows for the exchange of ideas and promotes understanding, allowing these women to assert their voices and make an impact.

Chapter 6: Fear

Fear should not overcome you and be the reason why you don’t take a stand for yourself. Learning how to manage your fears can help you gain both courage and confidence in yourself. It is important to overcome your fear by becoming visible and showing up as a powerful force.

Chapter 7: Self-care

Speaking up as a Black woman won’t always be easy and may take an emotional toll on you. Because Black women deal with racism, discrimination, and have to navigate systems of oppression on a daily basis, engaging in self-care is essential to their overall well-being and a way to manage internal or external stressors.

Chapter 8: Don’t be silenced

Black girls and women have been habitually silenced over the years by White dominated spaces and society. It is important for Black women to eradicate the consequences of speaking out by ignoring them. Their voices matter, and their experiences and perspectives are valid. Speaking out allows Black women to challenge the status quo and advocate for change.

Chapter 9: Becoming heard

To leave an unforgettable imprint on this earth, embrace your voice and speak up. Share your thoughts and perspectives, even if they challenge others. By being unafraid to express yourself authentically, you contribute to the collective understanding and recognition of the power and importance of diverse voices. Remind people that Black Girls Can Talk, have voices too, and shouldn’t be afraid to use them.

Chapter 10: I am

Affirmations can help you regain the strength and confidence you may have lost as a result of the negative, perpetual, and societal perceptions and stereotypes you have internalized and now feel about yourself. Daily affirmations serve as reminders of your worth and can motivate you when you’re feeling unmotivated. They help to encourage you to shift your mindset and uplift yourself, reminding you of all of the good things about you and redirecting your thinking to more positive beliefs about yourself.

Black Girls Can Talk

How to Elevate Your Voice in White Spaces

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